Weekly Announcements

               ​  Thursday May 9....Women's Bible Study @ 10:30

                 Sunday May 12...Mothers Day Service (Muffins @10:15)

                 Sunday June 2...Missions Sunday 

                 Saturday June 8....Men's Event: RC Open (Golf) @9:30

​                 Sunday June 9...Youth Class Following Worship 

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Featured Series: P.R.A.I.S.E. - Pastor Sheli

​​​'What's Up' at Your RC??

     Good Afternoon Church Family!!!  God is able and faithful!  We are shouting praises in our family because my sister, Shari Lynne, took a huge turn for the better!!  Thank you Jesus!!!  Her gout is almost completely gone and all her vitals are back to normal and some better than they have been in a month!  Hallelujah!!  Praise the Lord!!   I know you hear me say it over and over again but this is why we never give up!!!  When doctors and medical personnel have done all they can and there are no answers in the natural... we have the Great Physician!!!  And having done all to stand... we don't give in... we don't give up... we don't back down... we keep standing!  We get beside each other and hold each other's arms up!  We surround each other and we keep pressing in!!!  Because we know, that we know, that we know God will be faithful!!! Thank you to everyone who has been standing with us during this time for Shari Lynne!!  Your prayers have been greatly appreciated!!!  
     The word that I felt I was supposed to talk about this week in Praise & Prayer goes right along with this... isn't God so good?!!  With May being a month when we think about mom's, I felt like we were to look at several moms over the next few weeks and their effect on their families lives and also their effect on our lives still today.  This week's mom... the mom who never gave up! (I told you!  Isn't God so amazing?!)  You can find this story in Matthew 15:21-28.  There are only eight verses about this mom but her ability to press in for her child's miracle and not give up has lasted generations.  We only know a few facts about this Bible mom... she was from Canaan, she had a daughter who needed a miracle and she knew Jesus could help her.  She came to Jesus and Scripture says, "crying out..."  This phrase does not suggest a one time cry but rather a repetitive crying out.  She was calling out to Jesus and recognizing Him for who He was to her.  "Lord, Son of David"  She was saying that she recognized his kingship and authority even if His own people didn't.  Then she shares why she is crying out repeatedly and why she has recognized his authority..."My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly."  There is nothing that can move a parent more than seeing their child in some kind of pain or turmoil in their lives.  We don't know how long this mom had watched her daughter suffer but whether for one moment or ten years... as a parent, you want to do whatever you can to make it stop.  Up to this point, she had no hope for her daughter.  She was part of a people group that sacrificed their children to their gods and who served gods of stone.  We know that word of Jesus went out everywhere when he began his ministry by doing signs, wonders and miracles.  Somehow this mom had heard about Jesus and it was her first glimpse of hope.  When she heard that Jesus was nearby, she knew she had to get to Him and she was determined that she wasn't leaving without her miracle.
     The next part of her story can appear cruel or unfeeling but nothing is farther than the truth.  It is hard for us to understand sometimes but Jesus was sent as a Messiah first to the Jews.  That was part of God's plan.  He always knew there would be others grafted into the vine (us!!) but first the vine had to be saved.  This woman was a Canaanite... a gentile... outside the people Jesus was sent to.  This might surprise you but... this mom knew she didn't have a right to ask.  She knew she was out of her league so to speak but NOTHING was going to deter her from getting the miracle she needed.  So, when Jesus didn't answer her it says she didn't stop crying!  She kept saying over and over again who she knew He was and that she needed him to heal her daughter.  Then Jesus speaks and He confirms what she knows... "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."  Here we see a shift in her.  Up to this point, she has been crying out to Him... from afar because society rules would not allow her to approach Him.  The story tells us that when Jesus spoke, she came near to Jesus and knelt before Him.  In her actions we see continued determination and yet humility and reverence for who Jesus was.  Her next words bring tears to my eyes.  She has been boldly declaring what she needs from Him and now in His presence the passion of her heart rings out..."Lord, help me!"  A full exposure of her heart... she is determined, she's not giving up but she has been through a lot and she needs help.  Jesus again replies.  I have heard some say he responded with indifference but I think he responded with intense compassion.  He knew He could only be moved by what He heard His Father say... and His Father, worked by faith.  He knew she was determined but he needed an important element from her... faith.   In the most compassionate voice, I can hear Jesus saying to her, "It is not right to take the children's (the Jewish people) bread (miracles, signs and wonders) and toss it to the dogs (those outside the nation of Israel)."  I can almost imagine the joy that wells up within her at this point!  He has given her hope like she never dared to believe!!  He has stated what she already knows -  the Jews viewed the Canaanite enemy as dogs, but she also knows about the little dogs that hang around her table at home!!!  She answers Jesus back first in agreement.  "Yes it is, Lord."  She is recognizing that He is there for the Jews first..... BUT she doesn't stop there!  She doesn't give up but declares even more boldly, "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table."  She was saying she understands His limitation BUT all she needs is a crumb of the power of God in Him to heal her daughter!  You can almost see the smile break over Jesus' face as he says to her, "Woman, you have great faith!  Your request is granted."  The Bible says her daughter was healed at that very moment!!  
     Never give up... there were so many points when this mom could have given up so easily.  When things were not going well.  When she knew she had no right to even ask.  When the disciples told Jesus to just send her away.  But she never gave up.  She pressed in and kept believing and her daughter was made whole.  You and I, as a part of the family of Christ, we don't have the obstacles that this mom had.  We can boldly approach the throne of grace with confidence knowing our prayers are heard.  We can speak the Word over our situation!  We have so many more tools and open doors than this mom had and yet... how often do we give up prematurely?  Church Family,  NEVER GIVE UP!!!  When you have done all to stand... stand.  Keep speaking to that mountain!  Keep praising God for the answer!  Keep on keeping on because God's promises for us are YES!  and AMEN!!  Don't let anyone or anything keep you from seeing that miracle come to pass in your life.  God is faithful, Church Family!  He is faithful to all His promises and all He has made.  This Canaanite mom's story never had an ending, but we know that her daughter was healed 'at that moment'.  So, even as she journeyed home, she only knew what was in her heart.  She had to walk by faith all the way home.  But oh, what joy!!!  Such overflowing joy when she got home and saw her daughter was truly healed!   Never give up... I think she'd tell us over and over again... Never give up!  NEVER give up until we see God's word fulfilled in our lives!!!  I don't know about you, Church Family, but I want to be part of the group of believers that see the miracles and promises fulfilled because we never gave up!!  Amen?  Have a blessed rest of your week, Church Family and let's encourage each other as we continue to stand and not give up!!!  Amen!!!  Blessings, Pastors Sheli and Steve








"Where Love Reigns!"

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From Pastor Sheli's Weekly 'Prayer & Praise' email