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From Pastor Sheli's Weekly 'Prayer & Praise' email
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Weekly Announcements
Current Series: God's Big 10
March 13...Women's Bible Study
March 22nd...Men's Breakfast
March 27...Women's Bible Study
FISH Foodbank Tuna & Peanutbutter Dive Is On!
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Good Afternoon Church Family, God is able and faithful! It's gonna be a good day! This phrase has popped up all throughout my morning. It started this morning with Everly. We were headed to school and we were joking back and forth about what a beautiful day it is! She smiled and said, "It's gonna be a good day!" (Which is a newer Christian song right now. :) I sang the next line and we went back and forth until we were both smiling and laughing. We ended our trip to school blaring and singing the song together. Later this morning, I saw my dad and he said, "It's a good day!" and I could again hear the song in my head. About 15 mins later, I got a text from Lynsi and she said, "I'm gonna have a good day! You have a good day too!" Guess what Church Family... We're gonna have a good day! It doesn't matter what happens or doesn't happen... we are going to have a good day!
I often think the Lord prepares us for our day before we get too far into it because our "good day" is a choice. After writing the paragraph above, several things happened that tried to make my day not a good day. It started to get to me but I had to reel it back in and remind myself, "It IS a good day!" Our day is good because the Lord made this day! It isn't good because of something or someone or things from the outside of our lives, it's good in spite of those things! Hallelujah! Aren't you so glad for that? You should say it with me outloud, "This is a good day!" When you choose to focus on the truth about your day, the lies of the enemy to get you in another place dissipate. The enemy would love to keep us in turmoil and distress over this and that BUT those things don't stir up faith. We need our faith stirred up and that comes from being in the presence of the Lord. In His presence is fullness of joy and we experience His goodness! When we are filled with His joy and experiencing His goodness... it IS a good day! You see how just choosing to focus on what the Word says can alter everything? Trust me, it is sooo easy to get caught up in the flow the devil sends to kill, steal and destroy but then you just end up stressed. And really, what does that ever accomplish? Not much. So, no matter what comes today keep declaring over your day what the Word says and it will be a "Good day!" Blessings, Pastors Sheli and Steve
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